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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Vision - M.I.T.T.S.F.I.T.

This vision all started long ago when I got to sit down with my first million dollar earner. I was able to ask him questions and pick his brain while sitting at dinner with him. The experience was indescribable! From that point forward, I sought out other millionaires to learn as much as possible from them. Not just from the books but the actual people. This turned my whole mindset around. Now I am here to share as much information as possible as I learned from them. I want to help expand your mind and open your eyes. This blog space will be the catalyst for expanding my own knowledge. One truly understands a concept when they are able to teach it to someone else. That is my goal to offer you concepts that you can apply to your own life where ever it fits best for you.
I consider this goal to be Millionaires In Training. As a Millionaire In Training you become part of the M.I.T.T.S.F.I.T. mindset.  M.I.T.T.S.F.I.T. is an acronym for Millionaires In Training Through Successful Futuristic Intellectual Thinking. Its all about thinking forward about success that will in turn make you millions. You do not have to be intelligent to think intellectually. All you have to do is visualize where you want to be and stay focused on that destination as we will all get where we need to go together. Going forward my closing will be as follows:

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