Thursday, May 16, 2013



I am looking at really forming a team, not just for any one company but a team that is focused on helping everyone in the group become successful. No man left behind and all fighting as one towards a common goal. That goal is simple MSI - Multiple Streams of Income. 

Those MSI's can come from many different places but the goal is to get each member of the team to $1,000 residual income and lock it in solid. Doing this will give each Networker a foundation in which they can build any business with. From the foundation of $1,000 residual, this gives most everyone the ability to tap into their full potential to network. 

Once you have gained your $1,000 residual income, you are then free to continue promoting your favorite business or any new business to continue to grow your income to even greater amounts! The $1,000 is not a ceiling its a foundation. Building as a team all on the same mindset will really be the catalyst for assisting so many struggling networkers. 

We all know Network Marketing works. We have seen the success stories around the world and in many companies. If you haven't seen them, they are LIMITLESS. It is the purpose of the team to work with making you a success story! 

This can be accomplished thru teamwork. As we all come together, there will be great accomplishment in helping others succeed with incomes growing well over the $1,000 residual goal. Let's team up and build a legacy of success stories that will set the standard for how Teams are to really come together and prosper.

A group is already starting to form on Facebook at 
It is an open group that I admin and can get you added in. Please message me first so we can get to know each other first hand. 

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1 comment:

  1. A second group has formed on linked in


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